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Former Police Station, Ripon

For The Planning Bureau Ltd

Woodhall provided heritage evidence for a successful Appeal Hearing against Harrogate Borough Council’s refusal of planning permission for the demolition of the former police station buildings and the erection of Retirement Living Apartments, within the Ripon Conservation Area and adjacent to a Grade II listed building.


The proposed development comprised a three-storey terraced block, designed in a traditional style to reflect the character of the historic buildings around the site.  We contended, that the proposed development would be an entirely appropriate addition to the Ripon Conservation Area, which in comparison to the existing building would result in an enhancement and would also preserve the setting of the adjacent listed building.  The Inspector upheld the appeal and planning permission was granted.

© 2017 Woodhall Planning and Conservation Ltd. All rights reserved

Registered in England Number: 5110808

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