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Darley mill,


For YorPlace Ltd

Darley Mill was one of eight manorial mills in Darley and was built in the 18th century on the banks of Darley Beck. The mill complex had been altered over time but still retained a breast-shot water wheel and a large number of geared wheels immediately behind.  Within the building, the chief technological interest of the mill resides in the existence of a steam installation: and in particular that the steam installation appears to have been designed not to supersede the waterwheel but to take its place at times of water shortage.


Woodhall provided heritage advice on the design of the subdivision of the Grade II listed mill together with the erection of 5 no. houses in the grounds and prepared a Heritage Statement to accompany the applications. Planning permission and listed building consent was subsequently granted by Harrogate Borough Council. 

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Registered in England Number: 5110808

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