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Arlington Road has been shortlisted for an Architect's Journal 'Retrofit Project of The Year'.


Woodhall provided evidence to a Public Inquiry that considered an appeal against the refusal of planning permission for the conversion of this former sub-station into 21 apartments.  The building is located within and makes a positive contribution to the Camden Town Conservation Area.  The Council was concerned about the impact of a roof-top addition and the design of the prominent rear elevation.  The Inspector concurred with our evidence and concluded that the proposal would preserve the appearance and enhance the character of the Conservation Area.



The stunning conversion of a 10 floor Victorian Water Tower in central London was chosen by Kevin McCloud as one of his top 5 favourite homes since Channel 4's Grand Designs programme started 10 years ago.

Woodhall together with our associated company Acanthus WSM Architects designed and secured detailed planning consent for what is widely regarded as one of the most memorable renovations in the history of the programme.


Click here for the Yorkshire Post's article or here for more about the Water Tower.

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Registered in England Number: 5110808

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Studio 11

The Basilica

2 King Charles Street



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